Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Adventures in veggie land

So starting tomorrow I will go veg for one week. One week only because I am having dinner with my boyfriend's parents next week and they LOVE meat. And then I am visiting my mom and she likes to eat meat like once a day or every other day and her cooking is amazing so I will indulge. And then when I am back I will go veg for another two weeks, and note the changes.

For those of you that don't know, embracing your veggie side has lots of pluses besides being nice to animals. I do think our bodies tend to want meat and that unless you are getting the right nutrients going veg is not easy, but if you fully embrace it you are doing good things for your body and for the planet. It takes an insane amount of energy to feed and raise cattle and produce a pound of beef. Veggie agriculture takes a loooot less energy. Plus veggie agriculture tends to deplete the soil less than than pastures where cattle are kept (unless they are allowed to wander all over the hillside and such frolicking about).

So as a courtesy to the environment, myself, and to save money, I will be going veg and seeing what it does to my mood, weight, energy levels, etc. Let's hope I don't become a raging bitch due to soy. Soy increases estrogen levels, which I have far too much of already. So here's hoping!

Let's get tofunky.

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