Tuesday, January 26, 2010

PMT you have forsaken me

So today I was wondering exactly how many calories are in the pearl milk tea I love so dearly. Now on Weight Watchers it says bubble milk tea is only 2 pts, but this somehow seemed deceiving. I typed it into Google and found several different calorie counts - ranging from 230 to 330 and like 12 grams of fat. And to think this is one of my staple foods! I typed the info into the WW point calculator and it produced not 2 pts, but 6-8 pts. depending on which calorie counter i used.

Definitely gonna have to make my pmt intake minimal haha.

One thing that's tasty and low in fat and pretty low in cal (111) AND a good alternative to hot chocy though that I found is Ovaltine! You can make it with non-fat milk, and it is reallyy tasty. And has vitamins. yeee. There is also diet hot chocy, but that is kinda gross. I tried it, but it tastes mostly like water. I must say cool whip free does taste amazing though, and that is le fact.

Also I got activities point values today for vacuuming! And scrubbing! Oh fabulous times. So don't hire a maid people, just break out the broom and get your sweat on, and you will have killed two birds with one stone. The birds here being exercise and cleaning, not actual birds like robins. I hope. That would be sad and inhumane. Considering we humans are pretty much the cause of the mass extinction the planet is suffering right now.

But I digress...

Off to beddy by land for some good sleep. Which promotes a healthy weight and happiness btw.

1 comment:

  1. I turn PMT into a treat. I indulge on Sunday mornings after a good run, and it's perfect because I end up in the store just as Mr. Fong has finished preparing the tapioca. Mmm, gummy delicious bliss.
